Cheryl is an engaging speaker with years of experience and knowledge. She has previously provided city-wide trainings, small group workshops, and higher education lectures. She is available for local and international speaking engagements, mental health trainings, and lectures on topics such as:
✓Mental Check: The Black Experience
✓Race and Ethnicity in the Clinical Setting
✓Helping Teens Build Healthy Relationships
✓Using Puppets in Family Play Therapy
✓Maintaining the Spirit of Play Therapy in our Virtual World
✓Bullying: A Community Response
✓Resilience Through Chaos: Taking Care of Yourself & Your School
✓Establishing Professional Identity
✓Treating Trauma in a School-Based Health Setting
✓Using Sandplay to Promote Healing in a Bronx Public School
Book a time to talk about your event
Cheryl is currently accepting bookings to speak at upcoming events. She is available for hire as a dynamic speaker with years of experience & expertise.